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List of all the components that you can use.

πŸ“„οΈ ActionSheet

An ActionSheet is a dynamic component in our library that offers users a menu of options or actions within an application. It typically appears as a modal or popover, presenting a list of choices relevant to the current context or user interaction. ActionSheets enable users to make decisions or initiate specific actions conveniently, enhancing usability and efficiency. With customizable styling and flexible configurations, our ActionSheet component seamlessly integrates into diverse interfaces, empowering users with intuitive navigation and interaction.

πŸ“„οΈ Alert

Is a versatile component in our library designed to enhance user interaction and communication within applications. Alerts provide immediate notifications about important events or updates, ensuring users stay informed. Prompts guide users through actions or decisions by presenting clear messages and options, facilitating smooth user journeys. With customizable styles and functionalities, our Alert and Prompt components offer a seamless user experience across various interfaces.

πŸ“„οΈ Avatar

The Circle Avatar component in our library is a visually appealing element used to represent users or entities within an application. It typically displays a circular image or icon, often depicting a person's profile picture or a symbolic representation of an entity. Circle Avatars add a personal touch to user interfaces, facilitating easy identification and enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal. With customizable size, border, and content options, our Circle Avatar component offers flexibility to suit various design preferences and application needs.

πŸ“„οΈ SegmentedControl

The SegmentedControl component in our library is a user interface element used to enable users to make selections from a predefined set of options. It typically appears as a horizontal row of segmented buttons, each representing a distinct choice. Users can toggle between segments to indicate their selection preference, with only one segment active at a time. SegmentedControls are commonly used in applications to provide users with a clear and intuitive way to switch between different views, filters, or categories.

πŸ“„οΈ TabControl

The TabControl component in our library is a versatile navigational element used to organize and present multiple views or sections within an application. It typically appears as a set of tabs arranged horizontally or vertically, with each tab representing a distinct content area or feature. Users can switch between tabs to access different parts of the application quickly and intuitively. TabControls are commonly used in applications with complex navigation structures, such as settings screens, multi-step processes, or content-rich interfaces.

πŸ“„οΈ Toast

The Toast component in our library is a lightweight and non-intrusive user interface element used to display brief messages or notifications to users. It typically appears as a small rectangular pop-up that appears at the top or bottom of the screen for a short period before disappearing automatically. Toasts are commonly used to provide users with quick feedback, alerts, or confirmation messages after completing an action, such as saving a file, submitting a form, or successfully completing a task.